Biomarkers for non-invasive diagnosis of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and liver fibrosis

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a chronic liver disorder associated with obesity. The spectrum of the disease ranges from simple steatosis (fatty liver) to steatohepatitis (NASH), with different fibrosis stages. Liver biopsy is still the gold standard diagnostic method, and reliable non-invasive diagnostic tools are missing. No pharmacological treatments are available, and the only practical alternative for liver fibrosis in NAFL/NASH is a healthier lifestyle.  

In the years to come, NAFLD will become the leading cause for liver transplantation due to: The increasing worldwide prevalence of NAFLD, in parallel to the growing incidence of obesity and comorbidities. The absence of good non-invasive tools for screening, diagnosis and prognosis. The lack of treatments, preventing disease progression. The new antiviral’s therapies to cure HCV-related end-stage liver disease cases. This project aims to contribute to the individuation of novel biomarkers useful for discriminating different stages of NAFLD. To achieve our purpose, we integrate biomedical “big data” information from the literature and generated in our institution to select appropriate molecules (proteins, metabolites, nucleic acids) that could be tested in blood samples.

With our research we will contribute to the identification of biomarkers to be included in a diagnostic kit. 


Early and accurate diagnosis of the disease





Diagnose the disease by using a blood sample

Together with Hospitals and Universities, Nationwide and Worldwide 

Of researchers, clinical doctors and nurses in the patient's care, sample collection and molecular analysis